TODO :: DocHelper


- Analyze whether or not DocPattern should implement TransformDefinition

- Rename the generated java file to have the name of the Document Definition file (not default DocDef)

- Figure redistribution permissions for tools.jar (to use compiler) if not, redistribute using jikes.

- Add removal of and DocDef.class

- Configure and Run CheckStyle.

New features:

- Implement Result tree processor (modify the result tree prior to Rendering - Samuel )

- Re-Write CreateMain xsl to use new DocumentDefinition format including the use of Processor

- Implement concrete TableRecordSet classes.
- Oracle
- SQL Serv

Design Decisions:

- Should elements have types? (instead of classnames)


- Write tutorials:

- Getting Started: Parsing a set of documents and generating an HTML Page (Based on Example)

- Generating a useful Mindmap, with flash example

- Write README


- Do exhaustive testing. Empty DocSections, empty record sets, etc.

- Make overview and detailed "architecture" images.

- Add ant task to create site and deploy site

- Create site content